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The project “Medical Infrastructure for the Development of Surgical Services of Excellence in the Cross-Border Region”, acronym MEDICARE, is carried out by the “Victor Babeș” University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Timisoara (VBUMFT) and the ”Sveti Luka ” General Hospital from Smederevo, Serbia. The project started July 26th, 2019 and had its official launch in Timisoara on October 7, 2019.
The two partner institutions will benefit in the project from a total budget of 1,173,194.62 Euro, of which the non-reimbursable financial support from the European Union, through the Interreg-IPA Romania-Serbia Program for Cross-Border Cooperation, amounts to 997,215.42 Euro.
The funds available through the project for the Romanian partner will be used to expand the building of the “Pius Brânzeu” Center for Laparoscopic Surgery and Microsurgery, which belongs to the VBUMFT and which represents a European center of excellence in the field surgical preparation, as well as for the provision of medical equipment needed to further expand the surgical training activities in the region.
Using this training infrastructure, surgeons from the Romania and Serbia cross-border region will benefit from surgical techniques courses to the highest standards in the field, by means of which they will be able to serve the cross-border population with improved quality medical services.
At the same time, the project will encourage specialists from the two regions to exchange standards of good practices between them. During the 2 years implementation period (July 2019 – January 2022), both partners, Romanian and Serbian, will inform and train the population in the region regarding the basics of first aid.
Throughout the project, a general population-level screening will be performed in the counties of Timiș, Caras-Severin and Mehedinți in Romania, offering free tests to screen for prostate cancer, uterine cancer, diabetes and gastric cancer. Awareness-raising campaigns will be conducted to inform the target population regarding the benefits of undergoing a screening test for either prostate cancer, uterine cancer, diabetes or gastric cancer.
Cod e-MS: RORS 467
Total budget of the project: 1.173.194,62 EUR
EU funding: 997.215,42 EUR
Implementation period: 26.07.2019 – 24.07.2021
Priority Axis 1: Employment promotion and basic services strengthening for an inclusive growth