“Medical Infrastructure for the Development of Excellent Surgical Services in the Cross-Border Area”, project funded by the Romania-Serbia Interreg-IPA Cross-Border Cooperation Programme
In July 2019, the University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Victor Babeș” in Timisoara started in partnership with the Hospital “St. Luka” in Smederevo, Serbia, the implementation of a cross-border project for the development of surgical training infrastructure, available to residents, specialists and medical students through the Pius Branzeu Experimental Surgery and Training Centre.
The project, with a total budget of 1.173.194,62 Euro, has benefited from a non-reimbursable financial support from the European Union in the amount of 997.215,42 Euro through the Interreg-IPA Romania-Serbia Cross-Border Cooperation Programme.
The funds available through the project for the Romanian partner were used for the extension by one level of the building of the Pius Branzeu Training and Experimental Surgery Centre, which is a centre of excellence of the Victor Babes University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Timisoara in the European surgical training of doctors from the cross-border area and beyond. Training courses were organised for more than 200 doctors and 40 nurses. The expansion of space in the building will lead to an increase in the number of specialist doctors who will be further trained to provide high quality medical services.
The project provided free screening investigations for prostate cancer, cervical cancer and diabetes to over 6,000 patients in the counties of Timiș, Caraș-Severin and Mehedinți, with a predominance of rural and disadvantaged patients (patients with a salary below the minimum wage or those without access to the health system – over 4,000 patients). An online screening for gastric cancer and colon cancer was carried out for more than 5,000 patients in the 3 counties mentioned above, as well as in the border districts of Serbia.
More than 10 information and training courses were organised for the general population on first aid, diabetes, cardiovascular pathology, prostate cancer, cervical cancer, gastric cancer, abdominal pathology – acute abdomen. More than 6,000 learners participated in physical and online formats.
The medical infrastructure created in the “St. Luka” Hospital in Smederevo, Serbia, served patients from the cross-border region with diagnostic services and laparoscopic and arthroscopic surgeries (over 140 arthroscopies), performed with state-of-the-art equipment and staff qualified to the highest standards in the field.
On 22 February, the closing conference of the project will take place at 12 noon in the Senate Hall of U.M.F. Victor Babes Timisoara.
The project will end on 23 February 2023.
For more information on the activities carried out within the project, visit the website: medicare.umft.ro
Project manager,
Conf. Dr. Blidisel Alexandru
Conference Agenda